Friday 16 December 2011


as salam..
hallo world, today is a
bad day..yyaa..mlm tadi mmg tuki happy,
but jelma pagi hari, tuki jadi serabut..
bnyak problem..
the first problem is..

my credit cepat abis when im using BB
when try to ask my friend, he said the BB akan
telan kredit smpai RM250. after that 
dye takan ganggu lagi...hallo!!, y not
minta awal2 b4 i beli BB tu..kan skunk
dah susahkan orang!.

the second problem 

celik dari tido pg tadi trus gosok gigi, cuci
muka n wat senaman ringan di ruang tamu..
after that baru shower..berangan nak tengok muvi 
di lappy, waiting until rase nk tido blik 
baru lappy boleh on..rase weird la
sbb program nye lain n cant play the muvi..
OMG!!...what hppnd with my darl (lappy)!!

the third problem 

bored cz house mate lain ta bangun lagi,
try to finding entertainment...ya,try
to available my BBM...sedang asyik bechat
wit my frend, y my msg sending failed??
hahah, forget somthing yg kredit da kene tarik la..
huh!..what should i do..sit dowan and see the
beatiful scenery...T_T

and the last problem

alang requests mkn mihun sup ptg ni di bendang
but she can sleep and forget the promise to me
smtime ta boleh mengharapkan sesuatu yang 
ta mungkin kita dapat..alang wake up ppliisss
im hungry!!

mana boleh lupakan janji anda sebegitu rupa..
and now bejaga sorang2 lagi..
bosan nye, rase nk keluar..tapi nk kemana?
go to the cinema?
walking by the lake?
exercise alone on the street?
mcm boring je..teringin nk pegi pulau di sabah la..
1 day..doakan saya smpai ke sabah..
wink..wink!! (n_n)
as salam...

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